Sunday, February 28, 2010

spring is in the air

Today was the last day of February and do you know what that means??? That means that tomorrow is MARCH...March has warm days sometimes!!! When I drove past the bank today I noticed that it was 59 degrees. It was so nice and sunny! I loved it. It made me want to go take some pictures of flowers...too bad it's not quite nice enough for them yet...but soon! Spring is the best season and I'm so looking forward to not wearing my coat and sweaters everyday. And also to seeing the tulips cause they are the prettiest flower ever.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Back in the day when I was in elementary school we had drills! Math drills, writing drills, spelling drills...oh yeah, and fire drills and earthquake drills (I always looked forward to earthquake drills, cause you got to get under your desk!).

Now that I STILL go to elementary school :) ---they have the above mentioned drills with a few added bonuses... now elementary schools have lock down drills (yeah, real fun trying to explain to an autistic 4th grader why we have lock down drills without scaring the 1st graders who were also in the library at the time). Another added bonus MY students get are braille drills!!!

What is the world coming to?